Jaha? Så enkelt va de alltså att få veta de, hahaha.

You Are 12% Capitalist, 88% Socialist

You see a lot of injustice in the world, and you'd like to see it fixed.

As far as you're concerned, all the wrong people have the power.

You're strongly in favor of the redistribution of wealth - and more protection for the average person.

Are You a Socialist or Capitalist?

You Are a Mermaid

You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you're flakier than you actually are.

While your head is often in the clouds, you'll always come back to earth to help someone in need.

Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational.

You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else.

What Mythological Creature Are You?

If You Were Born in 2893...

Your Name Would Be: Ala Umoro

And You Would Be: Half Alien

If You Were Born in 2893


Doc Lounge e fantastiskt! Å de säger jag inte bara för att jag e volontär där å lite partisk i frågan... Måndagsmys med dokumentärfilm, nåt gott att dricka, sköna människor. I love it. Idag visades Bushdoctor, en film av Nimativ Form. Urskön berättelse om Marcos som e i Ghana å vill träffa en jujuman för att lägga en förbannelse på president Bush.

Känner mig fylld av kärlek idag... de känns som inget kan komma i min väg som jag inte kan klara. Min kärleksfulla familj å mina underbara vänner gör att jag kan klara allt, oavsett vad.
Å sen finns ju den där hemliga ... nåja... kanske inte såå hemliga kärleken till en viss person med ett stort leende som får mig att bara fånle bara jag tänker på personen ifråga. Bubbel i kroppen.


Min svaghet för vissa människor plågar mig idag. Kan inte klä mina känslor i ord så jag låter Depeche prata för mig.

I would tell you about the things they put me through
The pain I've been subjected to
But the Lord himself would blush
The countless feasts laid at my feet
Forbidden fruits for me to eat
But I think your pulse would start to rush

Now I'm not looking for absolution
Forgiveness for the things I do
But before you come to any conclusions
Try walking in my shoes

You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept
If you try walking in my shoes

Morality would frown upon
Decency look down upon
The scapegoat fate's made of me
But I promise now, my judge and jurors
My intentions couldn't have been purer
My case is easy to see

I'm not looking for a clearer conscience
Peace of mind after what I've been through
And before we talk of any repentance
Try walking in my shoes

You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept
If you try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

Now I'm not looking for absolution
Forgiveness for the things I do
But before you come to any conclusions
Try walking in my shoes

You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept
If you try walking in my shoes
You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept

lite allvar

Jag har hetsigt humör, brusar lätt upp över saker men blir snabbt go igen, långsint e jag icke. Men, de finns saker som gör mig riktigt förbannad, saker som gnager på mig. Orättvisor, i alla former. Om någon e elak mot min familj...

...å just nu gör de mig så jävla förbannad att vissa av mina vänner mår dåligt. Av olika anledningar, dåliga förhållanden av olika slag, dåligt självförtroende kanske. Oavsett anledning kokar de i mig när jag ser dessa fantastiska människor må så uselt p g a hinder i livet, ytterst påtagliga lr inbillade...

Jadå å du vet de!

Ain't that the truth ruth... jag hamnar i trubbel alltsom oftast tycker jag.

You're an Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges

If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story

You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses

A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

What Kind of Kisser Are You?


You Are The Empress

You represent the ideal female figure: beauty and nurturing.

You bring security and harmony to many.

At times, you are also a very sensual person.

You are characterized by love, pleasure, and desire.

Your fortune:

You need to take some time to think about the role of commitment in your life.

It's possible you need to commit more to others, or deal with how others have treated you.

It is very important for you to support your friends and family right now, difficult as it may be.

You may need to look at your relationship with your mother, or your relationships as a mother.

What Tarot Card Are You?


Jädrans... I fell off the wagon, nu e jag tillbaka i träsket *LOL*

You Were a Crow

Eternally wise, you have a deep understand of ethics.

You guide people from the darkness to the light.

What Animal Were You In a Past Life?

You Are A Realistic Romantic

It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...

But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.

You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets

You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!

Are You Romantic or Realistic?

Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real"

You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love.

You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart.

Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!)

Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic

What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays

Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get

What Does Your Candy Heart Say?


Jag vill sparka å skrika, lägga mig på golvet som ett bortskämt barn ¨ge upp helt enkelt.
Ge mig nya intryck, ge mig syre, ge mig nya upplevelser, kultur. För helvete.
Vill inte servera människor som redan har allt serverat på ett silverfat.
Vill inte bli tjatad på av chefer, potentiella pojkvänner, flickvänner, whatever. Vill inte.
Motvallskärring jag. Jajamensan.

whatsdömadderfakkingdiil ?

Jag vet faktiskt inte om jag ska bli arg, ledsen lr rädd...
Sverigedemokraterna går framåt starkt, särskilt i Skåne. Vad tänker de människor som röstar på ett parti vars program är så förlegat, ogenomtänkt och ohumant.
Jag undrar hur de tänker som ställer sig bakom något sådant, som väljer att använda sin demokratiska rättighet på det sättet.

Vilket är mest skrämmande, tanken på att människor röstar på Sverigedemokraterna för att de är ignoranta, okunniga och inte har läst på, eller tanken på att de läst på och ställer sig bakom detta skamliga parti ändå?


Here's what I want and you know it's true
I have a secret longing in my heart for you

I want a kiss in the falling snow
I want the whole world to know
I want your special smile
I want to hold you for a while
I want to find out what makes you laugh and cry
I want to find out what turns you on and why
I want to sit quietly with you, have some tea
I want you to tell me your reality
I want this to be a not so public affair
I want to know you'll be there

I want to slowly, slowly get to know the real you
That's what I want and you know it's true
but because of who you are and what you do
it seems impossible to get through

Energinivån farligt låg

Shit, e trött precis hela tiden. Min energi e på sparlåga... Undrar vad de e som e fel egentligen, har svårt att fokusera på saker som vanligtvis fångar mitt intresse.

Men men, jag e ju envis som vanligt, ger aldrig upp... så jag kör på även om jag e snurrig i skallen lite då å då. Mer förvirrad än vanligt, om de nu e möjligt *ler*

Dags för nya äventyr

Plötsligt känner jag ett behov av att använda min blogg som just en blogg... det lär ju glädja vissa å förskräcka andra.

Mycket funderingar snurrar i mitt huvud just nu, jag grubblar, vänder, vrider, vankar fram å tillbaka i min lägenhet som en veritabel professor Balthazar. Tyvärr har jag ingen maskin där man kan stoppa in alla tankar å få ut ett koncentrat som löser allt...

Vi har blivit uppsagda från våra heltidstjänster på jobbet å erbjudna deltid, vilket innebär en massa pappersarbete för att stämpla upp resterande timmar. Har ett jobb till på gång men eftersom min deltidstjänst är 120-130 timmar i månaden, kommer det att bli så att jag jobbar mer än heltid, igen. Hade jobben känts motiverande hade det säkert funkat bra men jag känner mig kvävd och oengagerad. Mitt jobb som var så engagerande, utmanande å roligt har blivit till ett orosmoment. Jag undrar om det finns en enda seriöst engagerad chef i restaurangbranschen? Hittills har jag bara stött på folk som lovar runt å håller tunnare än rispapper. Så lite respekt för människor å deras värde.

Alltså, dags för nya beslut, nya äventyr. Får väl jobba som en galärslav hela hösten å dra till Brasilien i vinter, tanken har ju funnits länge. Å längtan dit.

Hade jag inte haft musiken som ventil hade jag fixat detta, det är bara att konstatera. Synd bara att jag inte har egna musikaliska talanger, det går ju liksom inte att leva på musik, luft å vatten om man bara lyssnar. Inte så bara kanske men men.

Plötsligt känns det som att detta är ännu en period av otåligt väntande på kreativitet. Jag skriver i all tysthet på mitt lilla projekt men just nu skriver jag, skriver om, raderar å kommer ingen vart. Jag vet att det lossnar snart men jag är ju en otroligt otålig människa.

Sen är det detta med kärleken, snälla nån... lösa boliner, minst sagt. Men jag är inte det minsta orolig, något är på gång, jag känner det. Sen är alltid frågan är det rätt tid just nu? Är det någonsin rätt tid?

fortfarande rastlös, jupp jupp

Nu e de riktigt illa ställt med min rastlöshet... hahahaha. Måste hitta något meningsfullt att göra mkt snart. Måste nog resa, skaffa mig ett nytt jobb eller flytta för nu e jag så uttråkad att jag kryper på väggarna.

Your Pimp Name Is...

Auntie Dynamite

What's Your Pimp Name?

You Are Big Bird

Talented, smart, and friendly... you're also one of the sanest people around.

You are usually feeling: Happy. From riding a unicycle to writing poetry, you have plenty of hobbies to keep you busy.

You are famous for: Being a friend to everyone. Even the grumpiest person gets along with you.

How you life your life: Joyfully. "Super. Duper. Flooper."

The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

Your Boobies' Names Are...

Love Muffins

Boobie Name Generator

Jo, jag har väl haft lite tråkigt idag då'rå...

Your Inner Muse is Urania

You are most like this muse of astronomy.

Your head is in the stars, and you look to the future.

You give off a heavenly, mysterious vibe.

And you're not too bad at predicting the future.

What Muse Are You?

Nu vet vi vilken planet jag kommer från, haha...

De här me bloggthings e otäckt beroendeframkallande... jag kan inte sluta.

You Are From Uranus

You shine with brilliant creativity, and you're more than a little eccentric.

You love everything unusual and shocking. You're one far-out chick or dude.

Anything unconventional excites you - and you have genius potential.

Just don't let your rebel side get the best of you, or else you'll alienate everyone.

Your original thinking and funky attitude is all you need to be you.

What Planet Are You From?

You Are Sunset

Even though you still may be young, you already feel like you've accomplished a lot in life.

And you feel free to pave your own path now, and you're not even sure where it will take you.

Maybe you'll pursue higher education in a subject you enjoy - or travel the world for a few years.

Either way, you approach life with a relaxed, open attitude. And that will take you far!

What Time Of Day Are You?

Gissa var detta kommer ifrån *s*

You Belong in Brooklyn

Down to earth and hard working, you're a true New Yorker.

And although you may be turning into a yuppie, you never forget your roots.

Where Should Your Inner New Yorker Live?

You Are a Prophet Soul

You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.

Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.

Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run.

No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.

You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.

Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.

A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.

You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul

What Kind of Soul Are You?

Blogthings igen...

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are very passionate and quite temperamental. While you can be moody, you always crave comfort.

You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it.

You believe that people see you as larger than life and important. While this is true, they also think you're a bit full of yourself.

Your near future is still unknown, and a little scary. You'll get through wild times - and you'll textually enjoy it.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.

Inside the Room of Your Soul

What Your Sleeping Position Says

You are calm and rational.

You are also giving and kind - a great friend.

You are easy going and trusting.

However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games.

What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?

You Are a Blue Flower

A blue flower tends to represent peace, openness, and balance.
At times, you are very delicate like a cornflower.
And at other times, you are wise like an iris.
And more than you wish, you're a little cold, like a blue hydrangea.

Hm... *s*

Blogthings.. de e för roligt helt enkelt, jag e fast i träsket...

You Are Coke

A true original and classic, you represent the best of everything you can offer.
Just the right amount of sweet, just the right amount of energy... you're the life of the party.

Your best soda match: Mountain Dew

Stay away from:Dr Pepper

Meningslöst vetande e min grej... nu vet jag vilken läsk jag är, hur mkt vattuman jag är (87%), vilken av mupparna jag är (animal)

fast detta va kanske lite väl close 2 home:

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

Detta kan man undra över:

You Are Lightning

Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence

You are best known for: your power

Your dominant state: performing

Utmanad av Majjastar, då måste jag bara svara på detta

1) Fyra arbeten jag har haft i mitt liv:
Slacker, hårt jobb men någon måste göra de...

2) Fyra filmer jag kan se om och om igen:
Coffee and cigarettes
Lost Boys (kan hela filmen utantill sen jag va 15)
The Big Chill

3) Fyra städer jag har bott i:
Jerez de la Frontera

4) Fyra tv-serier jag gärna ser:
Ab Fab
Gilmoure Girls
Family Guy

5) Fyra ställen jag vill åka till:

6) Fyra webbsidor jag besöker dagligen:
www.itacaré.com (brasilienplaner)

7) Fyra favoriträtter:
Simrishamnsgatans mackor
Kycklingkebab m houmos från falafel no 1
Allt från Ganesha
Thai thai nr 2 (haha)

8) Fyra ställen där jag trivs:
Puerto Rico
Cozumel, Mexiko
Var som helst där mina vänner är

9) Fyra bloggare jag vill utmana att svara på de här frågorna:
Känner ju inga som bloggar... utom Majjastar som redan svarat
å Ila så de blir Ila då ju =)

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