note to self del 2
För att påminna mig om något som inte var alldeles igår...
lånade ord igen...
delen som börjar med: "Then she flicked the back of her neck defiantly" är så vacker att jag håller andan.
En låttext, såklart, ni känner ju mig.
Mitt värdelösa vetande som kommer väl tillpass emellanåt.
She shook her head and I saw jewels
I saw golden trinkets hanging there and quivering
Then she told me;
I saw golden trinkets hanging there and quivering
Then she told me;
"Hey, I see the sea. Watch how the creases
form then disappear"
We saw a new day forming
The sun has risen now
And set the fibres burning
We got the feeling of riding the waves
Then light struck upon the brooding trees
Making one leaf seem transparant and then
Then an arc of fire was burning on the distant rim
of the horizon and we gazed in awe
The sun has risen now
And set the fibres burning
We got the feeling of riding the waves
Then she whispered;
form then disappear"
We saw a new day forming
The sun has risen now
And set the fibres burning
We got the feeling of riding the waves
Then light struck upon the brooding trees
Making one leaf seem transparant and then
Then an arc of fire was burning on the distant rim
of the horizon and we gazed in awe
The sun has risen now
And set the fibres burning
We got the feeling of riding the waves
Then she whispered;
"Look, the honey-coloured ball
is lifting its way into another morning"
Then she flicked the back of her neck, defiantly,
and for such gestures one could fall
hopelessly in love
For a lifetime
The sun has risen now
And set the fibres burning
We got the feeling of riding the waves
is lifting its way into another morning"
Then she flicked the back of her neck, defiantly,
and for such gestures one could fall
hopelessly in love
For a lifetime
The sun has risen now
And set the fibres burning
We got the feeling of riding the waves